How To Show The Most Socially Active Posts In WordPress

The sidebar in WordPress is most commonly used to showcase old posts like Popular Posts, which can help increase the amount of time a visitors spends on a website/blog.Popular Posts on the social media, can help give better reach than just the page views which are generated from the Popular Posts Section in the sidebar.Most Shared Posts is a WordPress plugin which displays the list of most popular posts from your blog on the social media, which can help increase page views and also make is easy to show the number of times each post has been shared on various social media sites like number of Facebook Likes, Twitter Tweets, and Google +1s.Just like any other WordPress Plugin just upload the folder to your WP Plugins Folder and Activate the plugin, next add the widget to your theme’s sidebar, which should initiate the request process for the counts of all the mentions on the social media for the period you set in the widget.


The plugin also incorporates caching for better performance. Posts in the last 30 days are cached for between 1 to 12 hours depending on age. Posts up to 6 months old are cached for 48 hours, and posts over 6 months are cached for a week.The plugin also takes care to not send too many request across to the social networking sites for requesting the counts by requesting with a time gap between requests to prevent domains from being banned for too many requests.

Currently the only way to implement this is to add a widget to the sidebar, the author has plans to add shortcode support in the upcoming update.

Update : The plugin is now updated and has a shortcode, using which users can display the most popular posts in the posts/page.The shortcode can also be called in the sidebar using the following code :

echo do_shortcode('[most-shared-posts num_posts="5" max_month_age="24" title="Most Shared Posts"]');
The above has to be placed in the <?php ?> tags anywhere in the sidebar.php without the need to add a widget.
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