[How To] Show Countdown Timer For Time Limited Offers, Contests and GiveAways Using Live CountDown Timer WordPress Plugin

Offers, Contests and GiveAways are time limited for ex, Deals,Contests and GiveAways which need all the attention about the ending date for larger participation, but such a countdown timer can be very useful for promoting about the event from the sidebar as well until the post is valid.Live Countdown Timer WordPress Plugin is a WordPress plugin which lets authors place a countdown timer which can be individually customized for each post and can be displayed in Posts, Pages and Sidebar for higher visibility and promoting events.

WordPress Event Management Plugin – Event Manager

Here’s a walkthrough on how to go about creating and setting up the Countdown Timer :


The plugin also available as a Widget in the Sidebar, which has all the options like above discussed.The sidebar can show only 1 countdown timer though.

Manage Widget Visibility In WordPress

Incase you don’t want to have the Contest Page live after the End Date, you can try using the Page Expiration Robot alongside the LiveCountDown Timer WP Plugin, to redirect the contest page with ending up as a 404 Page.

Useful Links :

If incase you already have a huge list of plugins and are not interested in having another plugin then here’s a solution using the hard coded way. { Source : WP Code Snippets }

Open functions.php which is present in your theme folder, and add this piece of code :

function content_countdown($atts, $content = null){
'month' => '',
'day' => '',
'year' => ''
), $atts));
$remain = ceil((mktime( 0,0,0,(int)$month,(int)$day,(int)$year) - time())/86400);
if( $remain > 1 ){
return $daysremain = "<div class=\"event\">Just <b>($remain)</b> days until content is available</div>";
}else if($remain == 1 ){
return $daysremain = "<div class=\"event\">Just <b>($remain)</b> day until content is available</div>";
return $content;
add_shortcode('cdt', 'content_countdown');

Add this shortcode, in your post ( Using Visual Editor ) where you want the countdown timer displayed.

[cdt month="10" day="17" year="2011"]
This is content that will only be shown after a set number of days.

Do share your thoughts and idea about how we could implement countdown timers using other methods which you use.

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