How To Resize WordPress wysiwyg Editor To Full Width In Single Click

Many bloggers prefer 3rd party blogging tools like Windows Live Writer,even as WordPress has a inbuilt Editor.That might be because it has few limitations like the editor area is not widen enough by default to preview posts as its being composed.Though the Full-Screen mode of the WP Editor can be useful but it only makes the Editor Full-Screen and hides other parts of the editor like the Title,Custom Fields, Excerpts edit box etc.,

WordPressto is a bookmarklet that increases the WordPress wysiwyg Editor screen of WordPress by modifying the Interface, un-cluttering the view and doing few other things like adding the save and preview buttons.This makes it very easy to use the WP Editor.

To use this, just add the WordPressto bookmarklet to your browser and click while your in the WP Post Editor Page and Vola you find the Editor expand with all the required buttons available.

Here’s how the WP Editor looks after clicking on the Bookmarklet.

To restore your WP editor to the default state just click the bookmark again.This bookmarklet code Works with WordPress 2.7+

Add the bookmark to your browser by dragging and dropping the Drag and Drop Bookmarklet.

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