How To Search and Filter Results Across 5 Major Search Engines

Google is defiantly the leader in terms of Search Engines, but there are at times when you are looking for something you tend to serach for the same keyword across different search engines.Sortfix is a meta search engine that can search for information across 5 different sources and gives you search results.It can search across Google, Bing, Twitter, Bing images, and YouTube and present the results in a easy to use tabbed interface.


Sortfix makes it even easier to filter results by scanning and examining the results and identifying the significant keywords and terms that will help you to define a better question.Based on the keywords Sortfix narrows down to a few “Power Words” which can be dragged into “Add to Search” for filtering search results even further.Words added to the “Add to Search” basket will added to the search query and will retrieve only the search results related to that word.

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Power words are different based on the search engine, for example to remove keywords from twitter results #tags are added.Sequence of the words can also be altered by moving the words up and down which will also alter the search query.Results can be even further filtered by adding words to the “Remove From Search” and dragging words to this basket will tell the search engine to remove all the result containing this word.

Sortfix also has a Firefox Extension, and iPad app which makes it easier to search from instead of using a single search engine.

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Are your aware of any other such meta search engine ?? Do share with us 🙂

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