5 More WordPress Plugins For Creating Featured Post Sliders In WordPress Powered Blogs

Featured Posts sections with nice slider and using Java Scripts and JQuery are common and almost every blog and site has one these days and such presentation can really help put forward your best posts in a very interactive manner.

Read our previous post that featured 5 Plugins For Creating EyeCatchy Featured Content Section in WordPress

Here are 5 more word pressplugins for creating a featured post section in a WordPress powered blog/site.

  1. Front Slider WordPress Plugin

    This plugin can generate a featured post with Fancy sliding effect with JavaScript that can display unlimited Posts including Images and Thumbnails with navigation of posts.The images to be used in the featured post slider, has to mentioned in the Custom Field of Post with Key “Featured” and Value should be direct link to the image like “”.

    What can be customized :

    • Category ID for Slider
    • Number of Posts for slider
    • Auto rotate on/off
    • Slider Speed and Duration
    • Styling: Width, Height, Border, Text length of Description, Color, Font, Mouseovers etc.

    How To Use :
    Upload and Activate the plugin and under the Settings/Front Slider and customize the Slider to your needs.

    Place this code in your template where you want the slider to appear.<?php include (ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/front-slider/front-slider.php');?>

    Download Front Slider WordPress Theme

  2. Smooth SliderSmooth Slider is a wordpress plugin for creating a featured posts section that allows a lot of customization for the plugins settings page and multiple sliders can be generated from the plugins settings page.A preview of the slider can also be seen before setting it up on your blog.It uses TimThumb for resizing images and also show posts from specific category in the slider.The slide is completely SEO optimized and supports customizing CSS.

    Download Smooth Slider

  3. WordPress Content Slide Plugin

    – This wordpress plugin makes use of JQuery and also uses the WordPress Custom Fields for extracting the images and links with 2 custom fields – slideshow_img and slideshow_url for the image and url respectively.

    Set the height and width from the Content Slide Options page and add the following code anywhere within your theme where you want the content gallery to be displayed :

    <?php include(ABSPATH .'/wp-content/plugins/content-slide/slideshow.php'); ?>

    Make sure the image size is the same as mentioned in the options page.
    Download WordPress Content Slide Plugin | Demo

  4. In case you don’t have the Custom Fields set on old posts, some of the above mentioned plugins might require additional work of changing the image sizes and custom fields manually.If you don’t many posts to show then you can try vSlider, a wordpress plugins that requires just the Image URL and the post URL.It can show upto 10 posts on the slider and offer users to set the image size and define CSS to suite your theme.It supports 2 transition mode fade and slide.Featured Posts slider using vSlider can be displayed on posts and pages using shortcode inside a wordpress loop and in widgets and implemented directly in the theme using the following code<?php if(function_exists(‘vslider’)) { vslider(); } ?>Download vSlider WordPress Plugin | Demo
  5. If you plan to implement a featured post slider of your own on your without using a plugin then check out this How To Guide on Tweeaks for creating a JQuery Post Slider using the jQuery easySlider plugin.

If you like these plugin do try them out and share it with your friends on social media like Twitter, Google Buzz etc.

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