WP Minifier – Auto Compress CSS and JS Files In WordPress To Load Webpages Faster

Page load is defiantly the most important factor for any webpage and the faster the page loads the higher the chances of the visitors spends more time on a webpage.There are tools like GTMetrix which help see the if your webpages send webpages as Minified.I’ve earlier shared a WordPress plugins – Theme Minifier, which helps compress the themes CSS and JS Files and help compress file size, but that was just limited to just the theme files.

Also Checkout These WP Plugins :

  • GTMetrix
  • Theme Minifier WordPress Plugins
  • The drawback with Theme Minifier WP Plugin is that it just compress the theme files and the both the theme and plugins files as some plugins also use JavaScript and CSS Files, which require extra references in the header.WP Minifier on the other hand is more handy, this plugin grabs JS/CSS files in your generated WordPress page and passes that list to the Minify engine. The Minify engine then returns a consolidated, minified, and compressed script or style for WP Minify to reference in the WordPress header.

    Once the plugin is activated, you can configure the settings under “Settings –> WP Minify”.The plugin also has a cache of its own.Under “Advanced Options” Javascript files to exclude from minify can also be included.

    WP Minifier Features :

    WP Minifier can defiantly help improve page load speed as the number of requests for JS and CSS files are just 1 for each one of them.Do share with us the experience using WP Minifer.

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